Tripod Turnstile

Tripod Turnstile | Full Height Turnstile | Flap Barrier | Swing Barrier

Reliable Security Tripod Turnstiles and Barriers for Convenience and Ease of Access

Turnstiles and barriers designated entry and exit points are useful in controlling crowds passing through the area. A turnstile prevents tailgating which ensures that only authorized personnel can enter. Gates are an excellent choice for the installation of barriers since they are simple to install and easy to use.

Turnstiles and barriers are suitable for toll gates as well as entries into office buildings, shopping malls, etc. Let us explore the available turnstiles and barrier systems and have a look at the various functions and advantages that these products offer.

Tripod Turnstile

The Tripod turnstile ensures that everyone who passes through the turnstile is authorized to be there. These turnstiles are compact and cost-effective entrance solutions. It is suitable for areas with high traffic and is majorly used in small workspaces.

The arms unlock and automatically rotate with a slight push. In case of power outages and emergencies, the tripod arms collapse entirely, thereby ensuring that users have an easy exit to safety. These gates are easy to install and provide safety and security to your property, offices, and buildings.

Flap Barrier

The flap barrier gates are the ones that are used only in places where personal surveillance is present. The main reason why flap barrier gates are used is the fact that they are safe and allow physically challenged people to quickly pass through, without any hindrance.

These barriers are made of stainless steel which makes them durable and ensures that they last for an extended period. These barriers are an attractive and economical way to provide you with the necessary protection. Flap barriers are widely used in shopping malls, parking lots, parks, entry or exit points, etc.

Swing Barrier

A swing barrier is another excellent option where protection and accessibility are needed. They are designed to handle the high traffic volume. It is a cost-effective and well-designed security entrance control system. These barriers are made of stainless steel which makes them highly durable, and they are highly resistant to rain and dust as well.

It consumes very little power and is designed to ensure the smooth flow of the passage. These gates swing towards one direction or two directions to control personnel access from one way or two ways. The swing barrier gate integrates with an ID card, barcode card, and fingerprint to enable orderly and efficient management of personnel access.

Full Height Turnstile

These turnstiles are a great way to improve the security of your property, offices, and buildings. They control how many people can enter, limiting the number of users that can go in or out. They set smart boundaries and help to keep access secure.

They also prevent tailgating which means it restricts unauthorized individuals to enter right behind authorized ones. These gates are an effective access solution for airports, parks, military installations, industrial plants, power plants, educational facilities, and other critical security applications.

So, due to the increased need for access control or security, turnstiles and barriers are becoming increasingly common in corporate offices, shopping malls, airports, warehouses, schools, colleges, and universities. This equipment is useful in controlling crowds of pedestrians.

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

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