Home Security Tips

The 10 Most Effective Solutions Home Security Tips

Apart from the usual locking system, other systems could ensure a safe home for you, all year round. The key to a successful home security system is to understand the mind of a thief. From a treehouse to a poorly secured vent system, experienced thieves spare no efforts. Here are the top ten tips and tricks for an excellent home security system:

1. Do not underestimate the power of a clean yard

Getting a set of clippers or clearing out the leaves every once in a while, not only makes your yard look decent but also throws off the thieves. Thieves greatly depend on the garbage, the overgrown bushes, the congested trees, or backyard furniture to proceed sneakily toward the house.

2. Window safety

Most country homes have windows without any bars, which makes it incredibly easy for the robbers to slide up the window and get in. Apart from locking the glass windows, also install shatterproof glasses.

3. A change of locks

Making a habit of changing your locks every once in a while, brings fruitful results. It immensely minimizes the chance of someone making a copy of the keys without your knowledge.

4. Security sign

Not everyone can afford security cameras but sticking a sign on your front door or nearby is inexpensive. Although it is always recommended to install security cameras if you reside in a neighborhood that has frequent robberies, you can also threaten them with just a sign.

5. Hidden spare keys

No matter what YouTube tutorials tell you about the creative ways to hide spare keys, it is still a terrible idea. Provide your household members with copies of the keys while strictly abstaining from hiding them or depending on a neighbor for safekeeping.

6. Privacy is your salvation

If your household has a social butterfly, it is better to advise them against broadcasting any vacation plans or your household’s daily schedule. From pedophiles to hackers, broadcasting private information would give anti-social elements the key points that they need.

7. Invest in a fingerprint door lock

One of the safest but most expensive ways of ensuring zero break-ins through the main door is to install a fingerprint lock. Also, this could save your household members from the trouble of locking themselves out.

8. Be lit

Establishing a routine that dictates keeping the lights on as soon as the sun sets is a real disadvantage to burglars. They are constantly looking for weak points in the target such as the duration of no one being home, the scheduled lighting system, and many others.

9. Avoid piling up newspapers

If you are out of town, burglars are the last people you want to inform. Make sure you let the newspaper guy know that you would not need them for how long. Also, it is best to let someone stay at your place as a watch guard.

10. Do it the traditional way

Alarms can never go out of the fashion as noise is the enemy even of a seasoned burglar. While alarms cannot stop the criminal from doing his act, at least they could inform the authorities on time.

You can make your home safer for you and your family by making your entry points harder to access, giving burglars no reason to think you’re away, and keeping your most precious belongings in the places which are hardest to break into. 

Importance of Security Alarm Systems

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

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