Optex Perimeter Security

Perimeter Security

Optex Perimeter Security – With the growth of our personal possessions, the need for their protection has become integral. Perimeter intrusion has become a common menace these days and owing to that, security aspects like having boundary surveillance and perimeter security installed have become a prerequisite.

Having them in place can help you stay safe and worry-free about your home and the possessions inside. So why wait? Optex, a leading intrusion alarm system manufacturer, offers a range of home and commercial security products to keep miscreants at bay. With the safety of your property and its valuables in the good hands of Optex, you can rest assured with complete peace of mind and a strong sense of security

What is perimeter security?

Perimeter security is a term used to define the measures that one can take in order to detect, defend, deter and delay intruders trying to gain access to one’s property. Perimeter security is paramount to protect industrial or commercial properties, critical facilities, or even residential areas. There are a number of ways to implement perimeter security around a property. A few of them are:

  • Perimeter fencing
  • Electric/Laser fences. These fences have the ability to pinpoint perimeter disturbances, thus making it quicker for the occupants to be alerted to where a potential intrusion is taking place.
  • Buried cable detection systems which provide covert perimeter security, detecting the exact location of intruders.
  • Closed-loop systems have vibration sensor cables installed at high and low levels on a perimeter fence.
  • CCTV to oversee the perimeter.
  • Intrusion alarms
  • Loitering detection
  • Area Masking
  • Quad beam detector

Importance of perimeter security

Basic alarms and detection systems are great when it comes to detecting a break-in, but preventing an intrusion before the actual break-in and damage incurred to the property is even better. This is where the real advantage of perimeter security comes into play. With proper perimeter security, one can lay down ‘levels of defense’ around their property which cannot only detect intrusions but also able to help prevent break-ins. Setting up these ‘levels of defense’ serves a dual purpose – a perfect counter mechanism to curb the attempts of thieves, and give ample time to both the owner and nearby residents(in personal properties) and security officials (in commercial and military installations) to take appropriate action.

The main features of perimeter security offered by Optex are as follows:

  • Minimal installation cost and time
  • Intrusion detection without any damage to property
  • Compact design
  • Reduced number of false alarms thanks to the pet immunity feature
  • Flexible detection area
  • Complete compatibility with any existing security devices installed at the premises

Optex Burglar Alarm Systems

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

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