Clean Room Access Control


Clean Room Access Control – In order to control personnel presence in industrial environments it is fundamental to know with certainty which and how many people are in and their exact location inside a production area and to ascertain whether they are authorized and qualified to operate in the area.

Does your staff follow all GMP guidelines while accessing Clean Room?..

The largest percentage of contributors to contamination within a clean room are people.
Even the cleanest of people are naturally contaminated, Our bodies are natural hosts to unwanted bacteria, along with the shedding of skin cells, hair, and the exhaling of bio-organisms.

Clean Room Access Control

With GMP Guidelines

Cleanrooms do not eliminate contamination altogether, they control it to an acceptable level. Traditionally the technology did not exist to directly measure microbial contamination in real-time, so the “all airborne particulates” limits were used and extrapolated/ assumed to be representative of possible airborne microbial contamination risk.

Personnel entering in a cleanroom are normally the highest source of airborne particulates and/or microbial contamination risk, so proper gowning and limiting the number of staff in the room must be carefully controlled to be within the cleanroom.

Technologies came up with access control solutions with GMP prerequisites e.g gowning, beard mask, factory shoes, gloves, etc. which are mandatory to follow, failure of which will lead to no access in a designated clean room or its peripheral area.

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

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