CCTV Intelligent Video Analytics

What is CCTV video analytics?

CCTV Video Analytics – Today, the security departments deploy more and more surveillance cameras to watch the broader area closely 24 hours 7 days a week. Video surveillance systems produce massive amounts of video. While the video data is increasing, a person can watch a limited amount of video data. The main part of that video is never watched or reviewed, due to a lack of time or resources. It is common knowledge that people lose their concentration in a short time and suspicious movements on the screen are frequently overlooked. As a result, security incidents will be missed and suspicious behavior will not be noticed in time to prevent incidents.

CCTV Video analytics software will save you time and makes your system more efficient by automatically reviewing your surveillance video to perform motion detection, facial recognition, license plate reading, and more.

Video analytics is about reducing the vast amount of information contained in the video, making it more manageable for systems and people. Video analytics surveillance systems automatically perform an analysis of captured video, making the resulting data useful by tagging it with appropriate labels.

Incorporating video analytics into network cameras creates a versatile video surveillance system, drastically reducing the workload for staff. Video analytics also makes it possible for an operator to use the surveillance system proactively, receiving early warnings about situations that could constitute potential risks. CCTV Video analytics can also be used for business intelligence purposes, for example, to analyze customer behavior and improve customer experience.

Applications performing these analyses are referred to as Video Content Analysis (VCA) or more commonly Video Analytics (VA). They range from video motion detection and audio detection to more advanced systems, including camera tampering detection, people counting, and virtual trip wire.

Why use video analytics?

Video analytics offers a wealth of benefits, such as more efficient use of staff, reduced costs for storage and servers, and faster access to stored video. By means of video analytics, systems can be set up to deliver far more targeted and specific information, creating increased business value.

Video analytics automatically analyzes and tags surveillance video in real time. Video analytics detects suspicious activities and initiates video recording, triggers alarms or other actions, alerting operators or field personnel. By automatically monitoring video for security incidents, video analytics can give users early warnings, making it possible for them to prevent crime rather than just react to it or analyze it after the incident.

Efficient use of manpower

Video analytics means that fewer operators can monitor even very large installations since staff will not be required to watch several monitors for long hours to spot suspicious activity. Instead, the video analytics system will inform operators about incidents, such as people moving in restricted areas, cars driving the wrong way, or someone trying to tamper with the video surveillance cameras.

The combination of video analytics and video verification improves surveillance efficiency. When a video analytics application has alerted an operator about an incident, the operator can verify the alarm before sending a security guard. This way the number of unnecessary emergency responses can be kept down.

People Counting

As a manager of a retail store or shopping center, you want to know how many people and at what time enter and exit the venue. The people counting feature provides you with this information as comprehensive graphs so you can make the best decisions regarding item stocking or working schedule management.

Heat Map

Increase your revenues by enhancing the store’s layout to reflect shoppers’ behavior. You can innovate the product placement strategy, refine promotions and optimize check-out services by using a heat map – visual information about customers’ density and flow in the store.

Dwell time

Improve customer satisfaction by providing prompt product consultation when the customer is lingering while making product purchasing decisions.

Crowd Detection

Service customers without delay. You will be automatically notified when the number of customers in the waiting line exceeds the limit so you can open another checkout counter.

Queue management

Know exactly how much time customers spend waiting in line and optimize the check-out flow by automatically redirecting customers to proper waiting lines for traffic balancing.

Vehicle Counting

Monitor traffic to detect and prevent congestion and manage traffic flow by dynamically opening and closing road lanes and redirecting transit to alternative routes.

Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR)

Let only certain vehicles enter restricted areas – any vehicle with a license plate which is not on a white list will be immediately reported. You can also use the ALPR to automatically charge highway toll.

Forbidden direction

Prevent road accidents by detecting vehicles driving in the wrong direction. The system will immediately display warnings on electric roadside signs and notify the authorities.

Object Counting

Make sure that the number of items being loaded from the warehouse on trucks is correct and that no items have been omitted.

Missing Object

Transported items can be stolen during transit. Avoid such situations by monitoring the vehicle interior and detecting any objects that disappear between scheduled offload locations.

Motion detection

Specify what type of motion will trigger predefined events. Depending on the configuration, the object can be anything from a small item falling from a conveyor belt in a production line to a person moving in a restricted area.

Face Detection

In many situations, typically in factories or automated warehouses, many moving objects appear in a scene but it’s only the presence of people that should be noted. Face detection is used to recognize people in predefined areas and alert the controlling personnel or stop the machinery.

Enter and exit the area

Make sure that any unauthorized person won’t enter the prohibited area. You can select regions that will be monitored for the entrance or exit of people and objects and every such event will trigger a predefined action, for example, an alarm.

Line Crossing

An event is triggered every time a person accidentally or intentionally crosses a virtual line. This feature can protect properties (burglar trespassing on private premises) or save human lives (passengers falling from the platform into a railway track).

Unattended Object

Unattended objects, such as shopping trolleys left in a parking lot, can be obstacles for pedestrians and cars. However, an abandoned handbag can also pose a severe security threat in a crowded area. You can use ACTi video analytics to detect unattended items and deal with them properly.


This feature detects unwanted manipulation with the camera – attempts to break it or refocus and obstruct its view.


CCTV Video Surveillance

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

activenanda: DIGITAL MARKETING - My Passion Myself From 2006 Started Learning Digital Marketing Online Through Various Sources Implemented Practically to Generate Marketing Leads To My Company ATSS. More than 12 Years Experience in Digital Marketing. I am also focused on putting my passions in learning Digital Marketing. It's a Ocean, Still Keep On Learning New Things Implementing the same to my Business Active Total Security Systems - ATSS
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