CCTV Camera

The Use of CCTV in Criminal Investigations

Closed Circuit Television(CCTV) footage can be absolutely critical in the investigation of crimes, with footage caught on camera often proving to be a decisive piece of evidence. For the investigating officers, it’s a time consuming process, but one that can be crucial to the conviction of parameters.

Common Uses of CCTV for Police

Robbery Investigation, Crime Scene Processing, Undercover Surveillance, Vehicle Collision Investigation, Interrogation.

The Observation secrecy of CCTV Cameras can be divided into 3 categories.

  • Covert : The Camera is Fully Hidden
  • Discreet : The Camera may be visible but its appearance will not automatically suggest its purpose
  • Overt : The Camera is visible and its function is clearly indicated to deter criminals insofar as possible.

Performance Standards For CCTV

  • Observation : Person in 5% of screen size, can be recognised but surrounding area can be seen, good for contextualisation, used in car parks.
  • Detection : Person is 10% of screen size, can’t be recognised but suspicious activity can be picked up, Used in shop floors & display areas.
  • Recognition : Person is 50% of screen size, can be recognised if known to police/investigative team. Used at Payment Points, vehicle gateways & fuel station forecourts.
  • Identification : Person is 120% of screen size, can be recognised clearly and other details (e.g. vehicle registrations also decipherable. Used at entrances/exits of business premises, service counters.

Common CCTV Problems Can Include

  • Subject being too small or not in view for long enough
  • Images out of focus or subjects blurred
  • Poor lighting
  • Cameras didn’t cover a large enough area.

Immediate Benefits of CCTV in an Investigation

  • Identifies suspects witnesses and vehicles involved
  • Identifies forensic opportunities
  • Identifies behaviour before, during and after an incident
  • Indicated entry and exit points from the scene of an accident
  • Verifies witness/suspect accounts
  • Establishes a timeline of events
  • Provides evidence of reconnaissance by a suspect

Outcomes of CCTV in an Investigation

  • Provides evidence of an offence and could lead to an early guilty plea
  • Helps to prove/disprove allegations
  • Provides evidence of police action and response
  • Assists with missing persons investigations
  • Provides material for intelligence systems


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activenanda: DIGITAL MARKETING - My Passion Myself From 2006 Started Learning Digital Marketing Online Through Various Sources Implemented Practically to Generate Marketing Leads To My Company ATSS. More than 20 Years Experience in Digital Marketing. I am also focused on putting my passions in learning Digital Marketing. It's a Ocean, Still Keep On Learning New Things Implementing the same to my Business Active Total Security Systems - ATSS
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