Vibration Sensor


Vibration Sensor – The Vibration Detector is perfect for anyone who wants to detect break-ins or intrusions through concrete walls, ceilings, or floors. If a crime is committed, the Vibration Detector can identify a breach and alert authorities in time to catch the criminal.

Most of the sensors detect the opening of a door or window or the breakage of glass or the movement of human beings. But it is equally important to detect if there is a break-in attempted through walls, ceilings, or floors. This can be detected with the help of vibration Detectors.

The detector operates on the principle of resonance of frequency. When the external impulse frequency due to hammering or chiseling matches with the resonance frequency of the sensing element, the alarm is triggered off. False alarms are avoided with the proper setting of the intensity controller. The vibration detector can be fitted to windows, door frames, walls, ceilings, etc.

A typical vibration detector is effective up to 2.5 meters depending upon its location and the material to which it is fixed. Each detector can be set to its own optimum level of sensitivity. There should be a sensor for every 20 ft of wall accessible to the intruder. The sensitivity should be adjusted to suit local vibration requirements.

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