School College Factory Bell Timer

Bell Timer Chennai

School, College, Factory Programmable Automatic Schedule Timer – Active-T5-40

School Factory Bell Timer – Ringing a school factory bell manually or relying on a clunky mechanical timer is decidedly old school. You can use this simple, modern school bell timer circuit instead.

Probably since the time schools came into existence school bells were used in the system, an indispensable piece of equipment for every school.

They are basically a mechanical device that is able to produce a loud and sharp sound under the influence of an externally applied force. The function of a school bell has fundamentally remained the same since the beginning – to divide the class periods into equal parts and indicate their start and finish with a distinctive sound.

This type of bell has slowly been replaced by more efficient electric bells and they are in use even today in most schools for the same purpose.

School Timer was designed to meet the needs for an easily programmable school bell timer, to activate electric gong bells or sirens on factory floors to alert shift changes or breaks, or any similar application where an external device needs to be triggered at a specific time on a daily or weekly schedule.

ATSS Active T5-40 is microcontroller equipment that can be used for schools, colleges, and factories for avoiding manual interfaces for ringing the existing siren or a gang bell.

  • 5 Program 40 Time Schedules In Each Program
  • Selection of Particular Program on Desired Days
  • Changeable User Password
  • Automatic Bell Ringing Based On Programming
  • External Light On/Off Time Can Be Modified
  • Provision For Time Management
  • Manual On/Off for Bell & Light
  • On Board Keypad With 32 Bit Lcd
  • Micro-Controller Based System
  • Communication for Software RS232

In many schools, the operation of the bells relies on a staff member manually operating a switch each time a school period, lunch, or recess bell is required. This device is basically a bell timer, which rings the Electric gong bell at set times for the preset programmed duration as per requirement. This is a cyclic timer that maintains the stored values of time in the built-in memory and repeats the cycle on programmed days at exact programmed times.

Benefits: Plays bells at preset times, No need to assign a person for ringing the bell every time, Accuracy to timings, No manual intervention, Saves manpower and money, Easy programming with the help of manual.

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

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