Apartment CCTV Cameras
Apartment Cctv Cameras – Cctv (close circuit television) is one of the boons that technology has provided to mankind. We are witnessing that the percentages of criminal activities are increasing day-by-day.
Apartment buildings and complexes house large, continually changing populations of residents who may be strangers to each other. The risk of theft and vandalism can be high.
Cctv installation in gated companies nowadays is mandatory.
Installing security cameras in a gated community is a big task for system integrators who supply and install Cctv cameras.
Consultation & Finalisation Of Order.
- Getting ideas from many system integration companies who are involved in Cctv supply and installation.
- Multiple meetings with groups of people at their convenience time mostly during non-working hours.
- The majority of gated community orders decided on the least proposal.
Scenario – 1
- If the gated community person who is in charge of this project is corrupted. From the least proposal order, we need to share the margin, if the system integrator kept a 20% margin in the overall project value, they need to share 10% with a corrupted person, with the remaining 10% system integrator needs to execute the project for his life survival.
- But the execution of projects and collecting money is very easy for the corrupt person involved in gated communities.
- They get service and support for up to one year. After the one-year customer makes calls system integrator will not respond.
In a corrupted scenario, the CCTV security systems installed will not function.
Scenario – 2
- In some places group of gated community people who involved in Cctv camera projects after completing the work every individual raise some questions about the work done and provide ideas to fine-tune the projects after completing all the tasks finally another new person overview, the project raises some questions to provide new idea to fine-tune.
- As a system integrator, they need to cater to the customer’s needs, desires and problems while executing the project. But what the customer pays to execute the project if they take the order on least price is difficult.
- In this scenario also get service and support for up to one year. After a one-year customer makes calls system integrator will not respond.
In the least Proposal Scenario also CCTV security systems installed will not function.
Important points customer should know before installing cctv cameras for gated community.
- Know the latest technology in CCTV products and consult with industry experts.
- Don’t finalize the order only on the least proposal check the product technical specifications, cost, and background of the company you are selecting to execute the project then decide.
- To Provide CCTV Sales & Support, System Integrator or Dealer Required a 30% Margin On Project Cost. Split Up – Marketing, Sales, Operations, R&D, Accounts, Human Resources & Management Cost 12%, One Year Onsite Support Cost 12% & 6% Project Profit.
- Renew the Annual Maintenance Contract with the same vendor to get trouble-free support and service to keep the CCTV system functional.
- If you are purchasing CCTV you are purely dependent on the system integrator or dealer from whom you purchase Cctv brands not providing direct service support to the customer as other electronic product companies do.
- If you call some other company they will not serve you. Why another CCTV installer will not serve you for your installed products. Most of the cases after attending to the complaint customer is not ready to pay the agreed amount while you are making calls for service other than your installer simply telling you they will not support you.
- Finalization with less price system integrator, surely you will not get quality product and service.
- You are decided to install Cctv cameras call the security system vendor who registered with their industry-related association Electronic Security Association of India-Esai. Esai registered vendor not supporting you can register a complaint to the related association.
- If you decide on the correct security system integrator for your CCTV products and installation you get onsite support and service for up to 5 years through AMC or on a call service basis. If you decide on the wrong company your invested amount for Cctv installation is zero cost.
Apartment Cctv Cameras, Apartments Cctv, Flat Cctv, IP Video for Apartment Buildings, Security Cameras for Apartment Complexes – Chennai.