Smart Door Locks

Advanced Smart Door Locks Solutions in India

Smart Door Locks – Gone are those days when you constantly needed to check whether your keys are still where you kept them. The concept of a ‘smart home’ is not a concept anymore.

With virtual assistants like Echo and Alexa making life easier, smart security is only the next progressive step towards a smarter world! And naturally, when we talk about smart security, we end up thinking about smart locks!

Talking about smart security, smart locks are not so far-fetched anymore. Everyone is aware of these revolutionary security solutions, and it’s getting cheaper every day.

Smart locks are very intelligent innovation that makes sure that the security of your home, belongings, or property, doesn’t suffer in your absence. You can manage and monitor the activities of your lock, right from your phone!

Thanks to the most convenient and easy-to-use technology these smart locks are the most popular choice among modern and urban masses.

Numbers Don’t Lie!

In India, the revenue of the smart home market amounts to US$ 870 million in 2018! The household penetration is at 0.8% in the year 2018 and is predicted to hit 7.2% by 2022!

Globally, with a market volume of US$ 18,877 million in 2018, most revenue is generated in the United States.

Now, getting into the statistics of the smart lock industry, the global smart lock market is expected to reach US$ 2.67 billion by 2023 from US$ 1.28 billion in 2017, showing a CAGR of 13.11% between 2017 to 2023!

These numbers show great promise in the emerging markets for smart locks. The global smart door locks market is categorized on the basis of the type of product- deadbolts, lever handles, padlocks, and others.

Out of all these types, the lever-handle smart door locks market is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 18.1% from 2017 to 2023! Also, smart locks will show higher penetration in the hospitality industry, in government offices, office buildings, etc.

This positive global rise in the use of smart locks shows that there will be a positive demand for smart locks in India too!

Why Smart locks?
The major reason for such an upraise in the smart lock market is the convenience that it provides.

You don’t ever have to worry about managing, misplacing, or losing the keys. The hitch in remembering complex lock combinations is another problem, since, you can’t just write it down somewhere!

Smart locks allow you to unlock and gain access with one tap on your phone!

Another obvious reason is that you can share, revoke, manage, schedule, and monitor the access and the activities of the lock, remotely, with the help of an application on your smartphone.

The difference between a traditional lock and a smart lock?

Since we are discussing smart security, let’s understand what is the difference between a smart door lock and a traditional lock and which one is better.

  • For starters, smart locks can unlock or lock with a tap on your phone with the help of Bluetooth technology, Wi-Fi, etc. No key or combination is required to unlock them. Traditional locks require a correct physical key to unlock or lock them.
  • No need to worry about losing or misplacing the key or fret about remembering those hard combinations, while using a smart lock.
  • You can easily share access to your lock with a person of your choice, remotely, unlike a traditional lock where you will have to have an extra physical key to be able to share it with a person.
  • You can also schedule your access and set a time while sharing it with a person. This can’t be done in traditional locks!
  • You can program your smart lock to unlock in the mode of your choice e.g. – through Bluetooth, fingerprint scanning, etc.
  • You can also easily manage and monitor the activities of the lock just on your smartphone, for e.g.- who unlocked the lock, when was it unlocked, when was it locked back again, etc. Traditional locks don’t have that.
  • You can check out the records to refer to the history of transactions of the smart lock. This is not possible in traditional locks!

These are the obvious advantages of smart locks over the traditional locks that we’ve been using earlier.

However, there are a lot of doubts and questions raised about the security of smart locks. It is important to understand that these smart dsoor locks are as strong (or more) as a traditional lock physically and have elements of smart intelligence to ensure higher security.

Due to the recent incidents of hacking of smart locks, the manufacturers now are making sure that their smart locks are hack-proof.

Smart locks definitely provide more options and features when it comes to security, access, and management!

ATSS – Technology Solutions Provider

activenanda: DIGITAL MARKETING - My Passion Myself From 2006 Started Learning Digital Marketing Online Through Various Sources Implemented Practically to Generate Marketing Leads To My Company ATSS. More than 20 Years Experience in Digital Marketing. I am also focused on putting my passions in learning Digital Marketing. It's a Ocean, Still Keep On Learning New Things Implementing the same to my Business Active Total Security Systems - ATSS
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