CCTV Cameras
The Importance of CCTV Cameras
CCTV Cameras – We should have surveillance cameras in public places because they ensure public safety. Rarely will anyone attempt to harm you when they know their actions are being recorded on camera. Cameras keep you and your personal property safe.
The police can identify criminals recorded with cameras. Through surveillance cameras, the police can prevent crimes and quickly solve criminal cases with material evidence.
In addition, surveillance cameras protect against property theft and vandalism. It is very difficult to get away with stealing something if there are cameras filming you. Therefore, the thief will often get caught. Surveillance cameras will catch the thief before, or during the process of committing the crime.
If no one is aware of the crime until after it has been committed, surveillance footage is always a crucial piece of evidence during a police investigation. Surveillance cameras have and will prevent many crimes.
Some people may say that we should not have surveillance cameras in public places. They claim that they invade privacy. That is false. Why be out in public if you want privacy? Just stay at home. Surveillance cameras are meant to keep you and other property safe, not to stalk you. Cameras are there not to invade a person’s privacy but to protect the public by deterring criminal activity and providing material evidence when a crime has been caught on film.
Criminals are less likely to commit crimes in the area if they know they’re going to be being filmed the whole time. Things like shoplifting hardly seem worth it when pitted against the possibility of going to jail.
We should have surveillance cameras. Why not?
Having cameras in public places makes people feel safe. If people know that there are CCTV cameras around them, they will most likely not do anything stupid! People feel safer in the knowledge that a potential mugger or attacker will be put-off by the presence of a camera.
Cameras, through video analytics, now have the ability to zoom in to reveal someone’s identity which can be beneficial to crime prevention when used in the correct way. The criminal can be apprehended quickly. Especially in abduction cases, a video would be a great way of tracking down a person fast and maybe preventing a death!