Surveillance Cameras In Public Places
Importance of CCTV Cameras in Public Areas
Video Surveillance Cameras are an essential requirement nowadays. Not just in homes and shops but the increasing crime rates and sexual assaults have led to a massive demand for cameras in public areas too. We hear about women being harassed in public spaces now and then. As a part of society, it is our responsibility to protect women in the country and stop crimes from happening. Installation of CCTV is the first big step one needs to take. The presence of CCTV cameras will hugely contribute to reducing crimes. A person is likely to think and rethink before committing the crime. The fear of getting caught will stop them from doing wrong. Talking about the same in detail, here are some points proving the importance of CCTV cameras in public areas:
1. Ensure Public Safety
CCTV cameras behave like artificial eyes. Everything happening in the public areas will be recorded. The cameras may help in identifying suspicious people or an item that is likely to cause damage. We will thus be able to stop crimes before they take place. Moreover, they act as a precautionary measure ensuring the safety of the people in the area.
2. Prevent crime and sexual assaults
CCTV cameras have the capacity to build fear in a person in executing criminal plans. Think about it, if somebody tried to rob or harass someone, would they want to do it someplace that is under CCTV surveillance? Obviously not. Various cities have thus started installing cameras in public areas. In fact, some places have surveillance cameras on stoplights to assure people do not speed up or commit traffic offenses. Today’s modern cameras are of high quality and can zoom in to reveal someone’s identity easily; ultimately contributing to crime prevention. The criminals can be caught quickly.
3. CCTV Footage is the basic to gather evidence in court
A CCTV camera is only an eye that records everything happening at a particular place. They cannot prevent a crime from happening without someone noticing the same from the recordings. Thus, if a person does not even fear CCTV cameras, this equipment will still help in solving cases. CCTV footage is one of the prime pieces of evidence that assists courts in making a judgment. In fact, footage may be the only evidence of a victim. Thus, the cameras will help the innocent get justice at once.
4. CCTV may help in National Security
Weapons and explosives are a massive threat to national security. The CCTV cameras will help the authorities to detect if there are weapons or explosives placed in any public place. If they find something is not right, immediate actions take place to protect the people from threats. In general, we need high-definition cameras to identify weapons and explosives easily. CCTV cameras thus play a huge role in preventing losses to the public at large.
While it is tough to spot such weapons or explosives in person at crowded places, the CCTV cameras, fixed at a height to cover a significant part of the area will do the work. Thus, tracking the movements of people shall get much more comfortable.
5. CCTV is likely to build confidence in women
Women, in general, fear moving out after dark. This is due to the fear of criminals roaming around. CCTV cameras play a huge role in getting the fear out of them. The women feel comfortable and safe. They gain the confidence to move out freely.
6. CCTV provides a sense of security
CCTV cameras provide you with a sense of security. As and when we install cameras in our homes and shops, we feel secure sitting inside. We can track what’s going on in the nearby areas. In the same manner, Video Surveillance Cameras installed in public areas help us feel safe and secure away from home too.
7. CCTV helps reduce crimes, statistically proven
According to the surveillance statistics, the Video Surveillance Cameras installation got down the number of crimes in Humboldt Park by over 20%. In a country like India, where the crime rate has been increasing so rapidly, cameras shall be a huge help to the public. Be it robbery, sexual assault, lynching, killing in the name of religion, and so on, an eye on people will help us identify potential criminals.
Final Words
There are a lot of cases pending in the court just because of the lack of evidence. If there are CCTV cameras around, so many people can get justice. We can save so many women from being harassed. So many cases can be easily solved in court. Convincingly, if we need a safer India, we definitely need CCTV cameras installed in public areas.